Scarification is the process that helps remove Thatch and Moss from your Lawn or Sports Turf.
We can do this by using a Professional Graded Scarifying Machine.
Scarification is vital for any Grass surface as it can encourage healthy Lawn conditions for grass to establish.
What is Thatch?
Thatch is the build-up of living & dead plant matter. This includes; stems, leaves & roots which lie beneath the layer of actively growing grass and soil underneath.
Too much Thatch in your Lawn will not only encourage Pests and Diseases to creep in but can create ideal conditions for Weeds, Moss and other undesirable grasses to develop. Nutrients applied to the Lawn will struggle to work through the Thatch meaning your Lawn being left with a shallow root zone.
Shallow Rooted grasses will struggle to protect itself against the heat and cold as the root will search for water which in turn stresses the plant. Roots will die and end up trapping other debris which is therefore known as Thatch.
Why should Shire Lawns Scarify my Lawn / Sports Turf?
Too much Moss and Thatch in your Lawn/Sports Turf can mean a Soft and Spongy surface.
Removing these layers will allow the soil to exchange gases which in turn promotes a thick, lush green lawn that will also make Mowing become easier.
By Scarifying your Lawns at regular intervals, using our machinery, knowledge, experience and training we at Shire Lawns will;
Reduce the Moss levels in your Lawn
Remove undesirable Thach Layers
Allow water, nutrients, and oxygen to access to access root zone, resulting in a healthier lawn
Improve drainage
Increase the density of grasses
And, Scarify at the correct timings for your Lawn
When can Shire Lawns Scarify?
Providing the conditions are right, we recommend Scarifying annually during Spring and Autumn.